Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dog Poop Wifi

What would you do for free Wi-Fi? Mexican Internet provider Terra has teamed up with ad agency DDB to offer free Wi-Fi in public parks to dog owners who clean up after their pets.

As seen in the absurd promo vid below, owners who deposit poop in the special bins in 10 parks in Mexico City will be rewarded with free Wi-Fi, broadcast through routers shaped like doggy bones.

The more you add, the more minutes you and everyone else gets. The bins seem to have a simple scale to weigh the poop, so they would likely still work if people put rocks or trash in them instead.

But the "Poo Wifi" campaign apparently will have staffers present at the bins during the daytime to make sure poop goes in.

It's one more way in which waste is being put to good use, along with poop-powered zoo carts and biogas production.

I haven't visited parks in Mexico City lately, so I can't judge how dire the poop situation is. Would your local park benefit from Wi-Fi, poop-style? Do you even want Wi-Fi in your park?

How about human poo? Shit ang baho nun......

Credits: PopSci.

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